Fur Conditioning


What is Fur Conditioning ?

Fur Coat Conditioning is one of the unique
services we offer to protect your Fur Coat
skins from dryness. It moisturizes the skin
and prevents premature aging.
Your Fur coat may look beautiful, luxurious,
and healthy from the outside, but it’s always
a good idea to check the coat from the inside.
That is where we can spot the dryness of the
pelts and perform the needed treatment to
prevent costly repairs later.

Best Fur Conditioning Treatment

Our unique “Fur Skin Balm” contains a group of
natural oils that will help to rejuvenate dry pelts
and prevent dryness.
It works as a moisturizer and is best when applied
on the leather side of the Fur skin, from the inside
of the coat. We can efficiently perform this
treatment before placing your coat into the
Cold Fur Storage vault.

Benefits of Fur Conditioning

We recommend Fur Conditioning Treatment to
be performed once a year or every other year,
depending on the fur coat’s skin condition.
If we spot some weak, dry areas, we’ll apply
Fur Conditioning balm two to three times,
after the Fur Cleaning or Fur Refreshing and
before Fur Storage.
Conditioning is also a preventive treatment and
will greatly benefit the texture and condition of
your Fur coat.

Care for Natural Fur

To avoid damage from drying and prevent skins from
cracking and shedding, we recommend :

All these services are essential and should be
performed once a year.
The best time is the early spring.
We care and are proud to say that our eco-friendly
Fur Conditioning Treatment allows us to achieve outstanding and noticeable results. 

Guarantee of Excellence

When your coat is in our shop, we’ll examine the condition of the pelts. Please let us know if you
noticed some stiffness, dryness, or hardness in
some areas while wearing your coat.
We’ll pay close attention to that part of the coat.
If some pelts of your coat are completely dry,
we’ll try to find a perfect match and replace
damaged pelts.
With over 30 years of experience working with
different types of Fur, we are sure to provide
you with our most effective and incomparable
Fur Conditioning service.
A guarantee of service excellence accompanies
each garment.

Fur Conditioning Cost

Fur Conditioning – $ 45.00
Fur Cleaning – $ 75.00
Fur Storage – $ 49.00
Fur Cleaning, Conditioning & Storage – $ 150.00

We also Specialize in Fur Blankets
Fur Throws Cleaning

Welcome to our Workshop

We encourage you to explore our website and all it has to offer
Please see the other products and services we provide

Customer Service

If there is anything additional we can do,
Please Contact Us today. We are always happy to help and answer
any questions you may have regarding this service.
Call us at +1 (212) 564-8115 If you need to
schedule an appointment or request a Pick-up.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!

+1 (212) 564-8115
208 West 30th street
Store Front
New York
NY 10001