We strive to make our website accessible.
We are committed to diversity, inclusion,
and meeting the needs of all of our customers,
including those with disabilities.
We are continually improving our website to comply
with the accessibility guidelines in WCAG 2.0 AA.
Further accessibility efforts are underway,
and we continue to update our website to improve accessibility
so that our website meets or exceeds applicable standards.
In the meantime,
If you have difficulty accessing features or functions on our website,
please call 1 (212) 564-8115 or email us at,
and we will be happy to assist you.


We use third-party websites.
These sites, which Viktoria Stass (V.S. & You, Inc) does not control,
may present challenges for individuals with disabilities.
Please know that these sites are not used as the sole source for communication
or essential information.
Please do not hesitate to reach us directly at
1 (212) 564-8115,
and we will be happy to assist you.

+1 (212) 564-8115
208 West 30th street
Store Front
New York
NY 10001